Rustic and Blue

Hand Grown Produce & Artisan Restaurants

Rustic and Blue is all about people and bringing them together through our food. There is noting like sharing a meal with friends and family.

Our goal is to create an intimate atmosphere, where folks can relax and feel as if they are at a backyard BBQ or in someone’s home kitchen, and of course to enjoy creative and delicious dishes inspired by this great town.

Our food is made from fresh, local, seasonal ingredients. It is a concept we truly believe in, and we do our best to stay true to it.

“Our goals are not tied to monthly reports with numbers of sales, we take care of our team and they take care of you”

– Rustic and Blue –


Our Restaurants

3 Retaurant Locations

Inspired by Latin American and Spanish cultures and passion for living an enjoying life.
Beautiful, Island, and Rustic style cafe and restaurant with the ocean looking view of the south of Phuket.
Beautiful farm-style cafe and restaurant serving homemade dishes made with the organic supplies.
© 2023 • RusticandBlue 

Web Designed by THE KPI PLUS

Inspired by Latin American and Spanish cultures and passion for living an enjoying life.
Beautiful, Island, and Rustic style cafe and restaurant with the ocean looking view of the south of Phuket.
Beautiful farm-style cafe and restaurant serving homemade dishes made with the organic supplies.
© 2023 • RusticandBlue